2018 Brands
Share to:Weibo Wechat QQzone Time 2018-05-29 10:47:58 Source: www.amaceing.com

侨外 - 副本.png

QWOS GROUP, established in 1999, is an influential provider of emigration service in China holding License of Institutional Agent of Private Entry Exit issued by the Ministry of Public Security and State Administration for Industry and Commerce. In the past decade, QWOS has helped ten thousands Chinese people emigrate to oversea countries. Now, it has extended its business scope to emigration settlement, and oversea studying in USA, Canada, Portugal, UK and Hong Kong.

Specifically, QWOS can provides clients with introduction, legal consultation, communication, oversea arrangement, visa application and other service in respect of oversea settlement,investment immigration, property inheritance, and other non-government activities. While focusing on investment immigration, QWOS is also developing the businesses of oversea studying and business investigation, education and training, purchase oversea real estate, industrial investment.  
